Ontario Teen Book Festival Interview with Jessica Brody!

Hey Everyone!!

I am very excited to welcome Jessica Brody for an interview today in honor of 2015 Ontario Teen Book Festival!!

From Goodreads

The Romance Bookie: Would you tell us a bit about your new book, the final book in the Unremembered Trilogy, Unchanged?

Jessica Brody: Well, there's only so much I can tell you without spoiling all the great twists in books 1 & 2.  But I will say that this final installment has the most sci-fi, the largest cast, the most kissing scenes, the most world-building and the most explosions.

TRB: Was it difficult coming up with an ending for the entire series that you were completely satisfied with?

JB: Absolutely! And actually, my editor and I disagreed about what the ending should be.  I had to fight REALLY hard for this ending.  So I hope you love it! If not, don't tell my editor ;).

TRB: What has been the most difficult thing to get used to since becoming a published writer? And the most fun? :)

JB: Most difficult: Strangers reviewing your work.  It's kind of like someone looking deep into your soul and saying, "Meh. Not good enough." Ha! I try not read reviews for this very reason.
Most fun: Getting emails from readers! Or having a teen come up to me at a school or festival and tel me how much they loved my book.  That is so surreal!

TRB: Will you be doing more science fiction novels?

JB: Not in the immediate future.  I'm taking a short break from sci-fi.  My next book is called A Week of Mondays and it's a contemporary comedy with a magical realism twist about a teen girl who pretty much has the worst Monday of her life (including an awful break-up) and then the next day she wakes up and it's the exact same Monday! She has to relive the same horrible day over and over until she figures out how to fix it.

TRB: Yay, I love Young Adult Contemporary romances!!!  Is there anything special you do to get yourself ready to write everyday?

JB: Funny you should ask, there is! I have a whole morning routine.  I wake up and the first thing I do is meditate for about 10 minutes, then I do affirmations (yes! I talk aloud to myself!), then I write in my gratitude journal, then I exercise, then I drink a smoothie and THEN I write.  The whole routine (which you'll notice does NOT include checking email or social media) helps get me focused and centered.  I used to check email first thing in the morning and I found that it was SO hard for me to focus on my story after that.  This routine has totally helped alleviate that problem.

TRB:  Now on to the random Questions!!

Which do you prefer? Ebooks or Hard Copies?

JB: HARD COPIES ALL THE WAY!! (Although I prefer ebooks when I travel.  So much better for my back!)

TRB: LOL so true!! Those hardcovers get so heavy!  What has been your favorite city to visit while on book tour and why?

JB: Houston.  The teens and librarians there are simply amazing.  So enthusiastic about books and reading.  And it's probably no coincidence that with every book I release Houston is always my top selling city! Love you, H-Town!

TRB: If you could meet any author (alive!) who would it be?

JB: Sophie Kinsella! She is an inspiration to me.  And her books are so hilarious, I'm like, how can you NOT be a blast to hang out with?

TRB: And, any advice for aspiring writers?

JB:  Don't be afraid to write badly.  All writers have awful first drafts.  That's why they're called first drafts.  Sometimes you have to just get through the story before you can make it pretty.  I think a lot of new authors quit halfway through the book because they're afraid that it's not good.  The first draft won't be good.  Just finish it and fix it later.  The hardest part about writing a book is getting to that last page.  Don't be afraid to write crap because crap makes great fertilizer.

Great advice Jessica!! And thank you so much doing the interview! It was a little bit last minute, so I really do appreciate that you took the time out of your crazy schedule to do this!!

If you're interested to know who will be at the Ontario Teen Book Festival, here is the list:

Hope everyone has a Happy Monday!

The Romance Bookie :)


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