Still on My Mind Thursday #2

Still on My Mind is a weekly meme, featured on Thursday, started by Haley over at Ya-Aholic, where you discuss a book you've either recently read, or read over the past few years, that's still on your mind.

In honor of the Meg-A Readers Blog Hop! Kick-off and the release of Size 12 and Ready to Rock in July, this weeks book is...

I read this book three years ago, during my senior year in high school.  I had gotten it at this book fair that was being held at my school, and had read it right away and instantly fell in love!  I went back the next day and bought the second, Size 14 is not Fat Either.  I devoured all three books in the series, including Big Boned over a very short period, and loved each one.

Here is the description from Goodreads:
Heather Wells Rocks!

Or, at least, she did. That was before she left the pop-idol life behind after she gained a dress size or two — and lost a boyfriend, a recording contract, and her life savings (when Mom took the money and ran off to Argentina). Now that the glamour and glory days of endless mall appearances are in the past, Heather's perfectly happy with her new size 12 shape (the average for the American woman!) and her new job as an assistant dorm director at one of New York's top colleges. That is, until the dead body of a female student from Heather's residence hall is discovered at the bottom of an elevator shaft.

The cops and the college president are ready to chalk the death off as an accident, the result of reckless youthful mischief. But Heather knows teenage girls . . . and girls do not elevator surf. Yet no one wants to listen — not the police, her colleagues, or the P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives — even when more students start turning up dead in equally ordinary and subtly sinister ways. So Heather makes the decision to take on yet another new career: as spunky girl detective!

But her new job comes with few benefits, no cheering crowds, and lots of liabilities, some of them potentially fatal. And nothing ticks off a killer more than a portly ex-pop star who's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong . . .

Heather is such a loveable character, not to mention absolutely kick-ass!  She's so relate able, especially for a girl who is a size 14 herself, and has battled with her weight and appearance her whole life.  Heather handles it so well, and Meg makes it so inspiring, because, since I've read that book, I've found myself going about the motto "Size 14 is the size of the average American woman."

I am SUPER excited for the fourth novel to come out this summer, only 8 days after my 21st birthday!! :) I will definitely be devouring that one within the first day or two! :)

I highly recommend it!  However, I do have a warning, it isn't completely a YA book, it's got a bit of s-e-x in it, and involved college aged and above characters.  Heather, herself, is in her late 20s, I believe.
 OH and this book has some hilarious song lyrics at the beginning of each chapter! :)

It's a really great read though! :)

The Romance Bookie :) 


  1. ooo I have never heard of this before!!!!! I will have to go add it to my tbr now! Great pick hun! :D

    THank you so much for joining in on 'Still on my Mind' this week! :D

  2. Great choice! Meg Cabot really has a gift of identifying with so many woman/girls. Her characters are so often very 'real'.

    GingerRead Review

  3. this definitely sounds great...i'm checking it out soon.

    thanks for checking my STILL ON MY MIND post here


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