Feyland: The Bright Court

I got an email from Anthea Sharp about two weeks ago, telling me her second novel in the Feyland Trilogy was being released and she wanted ME to read it!!

I absolutely loved Feyland: The Dark Realm (Review HERE!), and so of course jumped on the chance to read the sequel Feyland: The Bright Court immediately!

The Bright Court takes off right where The Dark Realm left off.  Jennet and Tam continue to look for a way to stop the prototype of Feyland to be released out in the world.  Here's the problem though...what if the company owner's son is playing it and doesn't seem to be having any problems playing the game?

Well that's what happened when Roy Lassiter comes to join Tam and Jennet at their high school.  And according to Jennet's father, who is in charge of Feyland's production, Roy has been playing the game for months and nothing has happened...or so he says...

Jennet and Tam soon realize something is up.
Why is Roy attracting all these women with his fake charm?  And did one of the girls come back looking a little drained?
Well, Tam and Jennet work together to find out, along the way finding themselves again in the magical, yet unpredictable world of Feyland, and along the way possibly changing their relationship status. ;)

I really enjoyed this one! When I read The Dark Realm last year, it genuinely surprised me! I had been a bit worried when it came to reading a book set most of the time in a video game.  I kept asking myself, Is this going to be like Spy Kids? or Oh no this is going to be like reading a book based on a video game! I don't want to read Halo!
However, after reading the both books I have never felt more wrong! This series is so much fun to be inside of.  As I read Tam and Jennet's adventures in Feyland I feel like I am right there beside them witnessing everything first hand with them.
It's an action packed series that you don't want to miss! And of course, with a side of romance... :), something that, in my opinion, every book needs! :)

Overall rating:

Feyland: The Bright Court is set to be officially released on May 26th, so I hope you all get your copy.  Smashwords has it available for download now already! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


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