2016 Challenges

Hey Everyone!

I know it's already past mid-January (JEEZ, I have a feeling this year is going to fly just as fast as last year!), but it's time to announce my and Erin's 2016 Challenges, that we will be participating in this year!

The Romance Bookie's 2016 Challenges:

Goodreads Challenge:

The Goodreads Challenge is to determine how many books you want to read total this year.  I have decided to REALLY low ball it this year, because my "low-ball" of 30 books last year, turned into me reading like 13...so yes I failed, but also keep in mind I am 24 years old, going to university level classes (full-load), and had two jobs.  Plus, honestly, my mind wasn't so much into reading last year.  So this year, and don't freak out please people...the goal, for NOW, is to read...

10 books.

I know, I know, that's pathetic.  But if I read more, which I do hope I do, I will raise this goal.  But for now, 10 books feels right.

POP SUGAR Reading Challenge 2016:

This was such a fun challenge last year, and while I only completed 12 out of 41 things I wanted to do on the checklist, I do feel this will be a great Challenge to bring back for 2016!

Here is this year's checklist:

There are a few I won't be participating in, for the checklist, but you read about those on the 2016 Challenges Tab above.

TBR Shelf Challenge:

This is the year...I know I say this every single year, but I really want to keep up with not buying that many books, only the ones being released this year, by my favorite authors, and instead stick with reading those I bought in the past, and never got around to reading them.

The shelf hasn't stopped growing...

It's pretty insane!

Because we are living in a temporary home right now, I don't have my usual much-loved book shelves, and have had to put the majority of my babies in storage and in a shelf at my parents, but I was able to bring one shelf, which I have used to store all the ones I still need to read, that way I have my options! :)

The goal for this year, is to read at least 6 off of this shelf.  Because the goal is to read 10 books total, I feel 6 out of those 10 from this shelf will good.  I do hope to read more.  But it also leaves room to read those books that are coming out this year! :)

Check out the tab "2016 Challenges" to see the full list of books.

So those are my challenges for this year.  I decided to not do the ebooks challenge, because while I do hope to read a couple of ebooks, it's just not a requirement to read a certain amount this year.  I prefer my physical copies anyway, and I have plenty of those so I figured it was good to skip that one this year.  I know I will read at least one, because Proposal, the novella for the Mediator series by Meg Cabot comes out on Tuesday!  So of course, I'll be reading that one!

So now it's time for Erin's Challenges!!

1.  Read More Classics

Yup! Keeping the "read more classics" challenge on there for the next year!  Reading Persuasion this year was a wonderful experience for me and I can't believe how much I loved it.  I want to keep it going! There are so many classics out there that I haven't read.  As usual, I tend to favor "modern" books, but reading a classic once in a while is very refreshing.  Again, I think I'll keep my goal rather low and shoot for two books! I do think I can do this if I put my mind to it, and I might (*fingers crossed*) to be able to snag a few more in!

2. Poetry

I love poetry.  I took a class in my senior of high school, fully expecting not to like it, but to this day, it's one of my favorite classes I've had.  I love the beauty of poetry and I don't think I get enough of it.  I know, personally, I find it hard to read poetry just of fun on my own, though I love getting to read poems in class and discuss them.  But I want to try! So this year, I want to challenge myself to read some more poetry.

3. TBR Challenge:

It's really time to make a dent in that ever-growing TBR.  It's only gotten bigger over the past year as I've accumulated more and more books.  I'm determined to get through them though!  I'm going to stick to my goal of 25 books and hopefully I'll actually get to achieve them this year!

4.  Keeping Track

This one isn't a book challenge, per se, but I want to be better at keeping track of my books.  I read a lot, but tend not to keep track of which ones I read or how many books I read, which makes it difficult at the end of the year when I'm trying to go through and remember what books I read.  This was the first year that I officially tried to keep track of the books I read through Goodreads.  I know that I'm missing a bunch, but unfortunately can't remember which ones.  So to prevent that from happening next year, I'd really like to try and keep organized.  I'm not sure how I'll do this, but I'm going to give it my best shots!

So those are our challenges!  What are some of yours for 2016? :)

Mandy and Erin @The Romance Bookie :)


  1. I want to try the Pop Sugar challenge too, but instead of trying to match a book to a category I'm going to see if there are any matches after I read one.
    I hope that makes sense, basically read whatever and then see if it fits into the challenge.
    Good luck to both of you.

    1. That's pretty much what I do Diana! :) I picked the ones that I know I could cover this because there are already books I want to read lol


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