The Cassandra Clare Experience that I ALMOST Missed!! (PLUS INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY!!!)

Hey Everyone!
Can I just say I had one of the most amazing nights Friday night!!

So rewind....

Let's start from the beginning...

Once upon a time my fabulous mom and I went on a little road trip.  We left at 1:00 p.m. the house, with directions in hand that told us it would take about 2 hrs. and 20 minutes to get there.

Well, thanks to the beautiful view of Los Angeles traffic, and the most crappy directions EVER, it took almost SIX hours to get there!!!!!!!!!! No freaking joke!!!

Mapquest SKIPPED a step on the directions so we ended up going on the wrong freeway, and getting over an hour off track!!

Thanks to wonderful lady at A Whale of a Tale Bookshoppe, who had the technology needed to actually travel, not just paper directions, we were able to find our way back on track!!

The event was supposed to start at 6 p.m., and we didn't arrive at the Mission Viejo Library until almost 7.
When my mom and I drove into the parking lot of the library, do you know what we saw???

I honestly couldn't believe this...


We, unfortunately, missed the beginning of Cassandra Clare's speech, but because Cassie was ALSO stuck in the wonderful LA traffic, we were able to still hear a little bit of the speech!!

With our first edition copies of Clockwork Princess in hand...

we waited for Cassie to sign for all 6 groups.  My mom and I were in the last group, because of our late arrival, which honestly I was totally fine with, because being last meant possibly not being rushed as much...

So finally, after waiting about an hour...

I was standing in line, waiting...

And then... along the way, I got to meet another author, whose books I truly enjoyed a few years ago...

I got to meet Maureen Johnson!! The author of 13 Little Blue Envelopes and The Last Little Blue Envelope!!!!

And THEN FINALLY to the moment of the hour...heck the week...NO THE MONTH!!!!!!!

Me talking to Cassie

Cassie and Me!!
So here's the thing guys! Do you want to know just how awesome Cassie is??

Well, where to begin??

Okay, so at the beginning of the signing we found out that we were only allowed to have three books signed by Cassie, plus however many copies of Clockwork Princess we had bought.  Well, me being me, brought my ENTIRE Cassandra Clare collection! No joke!  So I, with my mom, showed up with a total of eleven copies!!! Why eleven, when there are only a total of 8 in both the Infernal Devices series and the Mortal Instruments series?? Well, I ended up buying at the signing a hardcover version of City of Ashes and City of Glass, because I could not find them anywhere online under the price of $60!!!  Which is ridiculous!!
So I ended up showing up to the table with TWO copies each of City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass!!

And guess what? Because I was the last one, and because I ended up talking to Cassie's publisher, who I'd gotten into a conversation with about my awful trip down there, involving traffic, terrible directions, and the wrong freeway for over an hour, and told her that I'd come all that way...well, she told Cassie, and Cassie was really happy about it!  And told me, to wait up, because she wanted to give me a gift out of her tour bus!!

Which is totally awesome of course!!!!!!!!

It's a really awesome bracelet that has a charm that is inspired by Will Herondale's Family Ring! :)

Cassie was so unbelievably nice!  The whole trip, while at first difficult, and almost not possible because of the time lost, was just great! It ended so amazing! :)

Let me just say a HUGE thank you to my Mom!!!!!

The picture that ended the night! :)
And thank you Cassie for everything! You made the night absolutely memorable and special!! Thank YOU!!!!!!!

So just to end this post, first off, here is my overall haul from the night:

OH WAIT!!! What about the giveaway???

Oh right!!!

So here goes!

This one is international folks!  I am giving away two of those fabulous pins, one of those cards, and a cellphone charm inspired by the runes from the series! :)

This one is INTERNATIONAL TOO!! :) a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. Sounds fun! I haven't read any of Cassandra Clare's books yet but I LOVE Maureen Johnson's books. And like I told you, her tweets are funny to read :P but at the same time I don't follow her b/c she tweets SO much! lol.

  2. I just went to her signing last night and it was great! Sadly there were too many people for me to get to take a picture with her but it was awesome none the less!

    1. Oh bummer! At the one I went to there were probably about 200 people there I would say. But we went up in groups, not all at once. We got a number, according to when we got there. That's how my mom and I ended up last, because we got there so late haha.

      But she was so great!

  3. This looks like it was really a lot of fun!!! I wish I would've been there with you!!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. That would have been fun! It's always great seeing bloggers I know!! :)

  4. So only three books signed plus Clockwork Princess (not counted in the 3 only,right?) Then I would have her sign City of Bones & City of Ashes and Clockwork Angel.
    Or The first 2 books in the The Infernal Devices Series and the first book in the other series, City of Bones.
    WOW!! You are SO LUCKY!!! I am so jealous!! I can't believe I missed out on this signing and I only live about 2 hours away to!! That sucks!!:(:( Man! I could of had her sign my books. Well next time for sure!! I also just love the bracelet she gave you. Its very beautiful!! Your very lucky!!
    Thank you for this giveaway and giving us the chance to win these great prizes!! Fingers crossed!!

  5. I was totally there too! At that event, I was the Biggest Fan contest winner :D I was able to interview her, so once they have the video up, I'll share it. But you have an awesome contest going on here, do you mind if I share it on my blog?

    I'm also having a contest, I got an extra Clockwork Princess signed and I'm giving it away :D

    Super stoked you were able to make it to the signing, it was awesome!

  6. City of Bones, City of Ashes & City of Glass <3

    So, me and my imaginary and glittery unicorn friend called Shinny thank for the giveaway and may the odds be ever in our favor! <333

  7. Wow I want to win....I love this series. I would get an extra Clockwork Princess and City of Bone and City of Ashes. I wish I could have been there so lucky....I hope I get as lucky some day. Thanks so much for this giveaway chance.

  8. If I were so lucky (and I probably never will as I don't live in the US) I'd love to get the first three books of the Mortal Instruments series signed.
    Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! *Finger crossed*

    1. Thank you Kaya! But I will tell you that Cassie either did or still is going out of the US for signings! :) So definitely check out the dates, because maybe!! You never know! Plus I'm sure, next year when "City of Heavenly Souls" is released that she will go on tour for that again too! :)

  9. I would take, City of Ashes, City of Glass and Clockwork Prince cause those are my favorite books by her.

    You know, I got my hardcover copies of both city of Glass and City of Ashes for $4.50 each a while back. 60 sounds like too much

  10. I would probably take the first one of each series and then just randomly pick the other..I read your whole story!! What an incredible ride!! Authors are truly incredible and nice!

  11. City of Bones, Clockwork Prince, City of Glass. Those are the books I already own.

  12. The first 3 in the Immortal Instrument series. Thanks!

  13. Clockwork Princess, City of Bones and City of Ashes

  14. Eeek! I'm so jealous!!! Oh man... which ones would I have her sign... Sigh... I wish ALL of them... But you say three... sooooo.... Hmm.... City of Bones, Clockwork Angel, and bk 1 of her newest spinoff "The Dark Artifices" when it comes out!!!! Sqqueee! So excited!

  15. The Infernal Devices series 'cause of Will ahhhhh!

    Thanks for the giveaway, I hope I get to meet her too one day :)

  16. Ooooo toughie.... I already have a signed Clockwork Angel, so DEFINITELY Clockwork Prince... and then I guess, City of Bones and City of Ashes... then try and catch her another time to get the rest of the loot signed ;D Thanks for the amazing giveaway!!


  17. Gosh if I could meet Cassandra Clare in person I would be too starstruck to even concentrate. :D But since I love her Infernal Devices series better I would have her sign Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince and third would have to be City of Bones. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

  18. I got to have her sign my books at the YALL Fest in Charleston, but I didn't get to talk to her because some of her workers were trying to speak with her. I was really sad. But I'm glad you had such an awesome opportunity! I would have her sign City of Bones, Ashes, and Glass!

  19. City of Bones, Glass and Clockwork Prince!

  20. Wonderful experience of a lifetime! I would pick TMI 1 & 2 & TID 1 coz that's the only ones I have at the moment.And I actually just watched the live goggle hangout stream because I live so far away it was awesome! and that's so nice of her giving away such amazing swags! I was wondering what they're giving away I'm really glad you showed yours it looks really beautiful & I'm so excited about the movie XD

  21. City of Bones, Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince!!! :) Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  22. Hmmm.... I would choose the entire Infernal Devices series because....well because it's amazing! I mean, there's Will Herondale! Bit then there's Jace too....

  23. Clockwork Prince ,City of Ashes, Clockwork Angel I think so. thanks for this great giveaway,:D

  24. Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince a nd City of Bones :)

  25. I'd do with The Infernal Devices and The City of Bones. Thanks so much for the post and evrything you shared! :)
    I hope someday I can got to one of those book tours too. Too bad they never do it here in the Philippines.. Oh! Did I mention I'm so jealous of your CP2 First Edition?
    Thanks again! :)

    - Diana @amalia_chartres

  26. The first three book in the mortal instru. series!!! I love the whole series though!


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