Fangirl (Vol. 1: The Manga) by Rainbow Rowell and Sam Maggs, Illustrated by Gabi Nam

 Hey Everyone!

I finally managed to finish a book!  A lot has been going on, so I haven't had the time or the head to really get into reading recently.  But I found the manga version of Rainbow Rowell's novel Fangirl at Barnes and Noble the other day, and had to pick it up.  I seem to really be into YA Manga Adaptations this year!

Anyway, I finished it today!

From Goodreads:

The manga adaptation of the beloved novel by #1 Bestselling author Rainbow Rowell! 

Cath is a Simon Snow fan. Okay, everybody is a Simon Snow fan, but for Cath, being a fan is her life. Cath's sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath just can't let it go. Now that they're in college, Cath must decide if she's ready to start living her own life.  But does she even want to if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?

Cath doesn't need friends IRL. She has her twin sister, Wren, and she's a popular fanfic writer in the Simon Snow community with thousands of fans online. But now that she's in college, Cath is completely outside of her comfort zone. There are suddenly all these new people in her life. She's got a surly roommate with a charming boyfriend, a writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome new writing partner...And she's barely heard from Wren all semester!

My Thoughts:

The only thing that pisses me off about this book is that I have to wait until March for book 2.  I didn't realize how new it was, when I picked it up, and figured I could get the next books later, since Fangirl came out years ago.  But I get to wait.  But that's okay, because this may have given me the push I finally needed to actually read the novel of Fangirl, which has been sitting on my shelves since it was released in 2013.  

But this first volume in the manga Fangirl series was fabulous.  Just what I needed right now, as I'm having a crazy few weeks.  I truly enjoyed it and can't wait for book 2!

Overall Rating:

Definitely check this one if you're a fan of Rainbow Rowell, YA Graphic Novels, and looking for an easy fun read right now!

The Romance Bookie :)


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