Recommended for You by Laura Silverman
Hey Everyone!
Another review coming your way!
This one is of a book I found at the library a couple of weeks ago, and it was an absolute cover-read! The cover caught my attention, and then once I read the inside flap, I knew this sounded like my kind of book!
So here's my review of Recommended for You by Laura Silverman!
My Thoughts:
Where to start? First off, I would say this book is like a book version of the movie Empire Records. But way more teeny-boppy. Besides taking place in a book store, I wouldn't compare it You've Got Mail.
I thought the story was cute. I love that it took place in a book store, those types of stories always get me, especially contemporary novels! However, Shoshanna. Oh, Shoshanna. Maybe it is because I'm 30, and have lived life a bit, but I just could not find myself relating to Shoshanna. I'm not saying her problems aren't problems, it's just the immature way she handled anything that came at her. It was cringe-worthy, and I just thought about how much of a sheltered life this character has lived, even though you wouldn't think so, knowing that she has two mom's, is half black, and Jewish. It honestly felt like the author, didn't do the character justice. Which I don't know if that's possible when the author made the character up herself.
Everything just flowed a little much into place, there was no real struggle. It just was "Oh darn, this sucks." And then the next, "Rainbows and butterflies, everything is fine again."
The part that was a bit hard for me to grasp, how this entire story took place over a single week. It made Jake and Shoshanna's relationship a little hard to grasp. It was all so convenient, and just needed more struggle and drama I thought. The drama that occurred, was just a bit 🥱.
Overall Rating:
I went back and forth on this rating. In the end I think it is a two and a half star read for me. I didn't hate it, the problem is there are just too many things that bothered me about this one, and I wasn't able to truly appreciate the setting and storyline of this book, like I hoped I would. But again, it may very well be, that I just was too old for this one. I still enjoy Middle-grade, and definitely still enjoy YA, but this one just had a character that I couldn't get into.
The Romance Bookie :)
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