
Ooh this looks like a lot of fun!!

I have been tagged by That Teenage Feeling.  Here are:
The Rules

  1. You must post the rules. 
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged. 
  3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post. 
  4. Let them know you've tagged them! 

 Here are the questions from That Teenage Feeling:

1. Fill in the blank. When I'm not reading I'm: doing homework or hanging out with elementary school kids.
2. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Ooohh, SOOOOO many things! At one point a pop star like Hilary Duff (haha, I was a HUGE Lizzie McGuire Fan), I wanted to be Hilary Duff's best friend haha, and a teacher (which is what I still want to be!)
3. What's the best non-YA book you've read recently? 
Hmmm...that's a tie between Water for Elephants and The Help
4. What was your favourite book as a child and why? 
Hmm...probably the Harry Potter Series
5. What song or artist are you loving at the moment? 
Let's see...I'm really loving Gavin Degraw's Not Over You
6. What food/drink/ is unique to where you live? 
Well, I live in America, so we have pretty much anything haha, but the most unique things I've found someone eating would DEFINITELY have to be this delicacy from the Philippines, where they eat this duck egg with an almost full grown fetus inside it...YUCK!!!
7. What is your favourite Disney movie? If you haven't watched/don't care for Disney, what's your favourite cartoon? 
Oh I love Disney Movies!! My favorite would probably be between Cinderella and The Little Mermaid...oh and Beauty and the Beast OH, and Mulan!!
8. If you could be any fictional character, who would you be? 
 Tough one...hmm...maybe Clary from The Mortal Instruments, oh no, but then I would die!! and wouldn't be able to enjoy Jace ;).  Hmm...how about Heather Wells from Meg Cabot's Size 12 is Not Fat Series, oh but then I would have to find dead people who jump off elevators! 
How about Mia Thermopolis from The Princess Diaries? YES! I think I choose Mia. Because even though she has a lot of drama in her life, she still lives a pretty awesome life! She gets to live in New York City!! has a totally gorgeous guy (Michael...sigh...). and she's a Princess, which is probably the thing I wouldn't want to be, but Mia handles it pretty great! :)
9. What was the last book that made you cry? 
What book hasn't made me cry?? haha I cry all the time!! Let's see what I read last...Across the Universe by Beth Revis... I think I did cry during that book.  YES, I did I remember now!! That one part that was really sad!! You know the one I'm talking about right?? If you've read the book that is... :)
10. What would you name the autobiography of your life? 
My Journey to becoming Me
Finding my Place in this World 
11. If they made a movie of your life who would play you?  
OMG my mom just totally insulted me!! She said Lindsay Lohan could play me!!!! The only thing I have in common with her, is MY BIRTHDAY!!! 
Hayden Panetierre?? haha I don't know though...I've been told I look like a younger Gwyneth Paltrow (NOOOOOO WAY!!!!) or P!nk.  I can see P!nk a little more, but minus the awesome pink hair haha.

Here are my 11 questions:
1. If you could be ANYONE for just one day, who would you want to be?
2. Who is the author you've read the most books by?
3. Whose your favorite Disney Princess, and why?
4. Favorite genre of music? And which specific band/singer from that genre?
5. All time favorite book?
6. Favorite chick-flick movie?
7. Fictional guy crush from a book?
8. What do you think of 80s music?
9. If you could see anyone in concert, dead or alive, who would you want to see?
10. Favorite junk food?
11. And I liked the last question from That Teenage Feeling, so if a movie was made about your life, who would play you?

Here's who I tagged:
1. Liz @ Books I Think you Should Read
2. Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
3. Kathy @ I Am a Reader not a Writer
4. Cari @ Cari's Book Blog
5. Kindle Mom @ My Guilty Obsession
6. Sarah @ Inklings Read
7. @ Uniquely Moi
8. The ladies @ Book Chick City
9. Diana @ Little Miss Drama Queen
10. @ Just a Girl Kindleing
11. @ The Fable Faerie
12. @ Midnight Book Thief

Okay, finally that's everyone!

So You are IT!!! TAG!!

Have fun!! If you answer the questions, leave a link to your post! :)

Alright everyone, I will probably write again tonight. I am ALMOST done with my book right now!
So talk to all soon!

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. This is cool :) thanks for tagging me. And you should enter my book giveaway! Only 3 diff. people have entered so far :( it ends Sat. at 12:01am.


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