Meg-A Readers Recap Week 9 & review for Victoria and the Rogue

Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!!

Well it's almost that time...the end of Meg-A Readers!! How sad!! It has been so much fun! I've even received some emails from bloggers who weren't able to participate this time around, but are really hoping we do Meg-A Readers again next year!! I really hope to everyone!! I believe, if things don't change, Meg is releasing both the third and final book in the Abandon Trilogy & the fifth (and possibly final??) in Heather Wells Mysteries! So hopefully next summer, if that is the case I hope everyone and MORE participate in the Second Annual Meg-A Readers Blog Hop!!

So for this week, I've got a review for Victoria and the Rogue by Meg:

So it's finally happened!
It's taken quite some time...a few years to be a bit more exact, and now...I'm sad ;(

I've run out of Meg Cabot books...

That's right, I have no more Meg Cabot books sitting on my To-Be-Read shelf!

Of course, there are still a couple that I need to buy and read, such Meg's first novels, those historical romances that not many people know about, where she still wrote under the pen name Patricia Cabot; but none the less...I'm sad!

I've only read one other historical romance novel by Meg, before Victoria and the Rogue, and that was Ransom My Heart, which she co-wrote with the fabulous Mia Thermopolis (from Meg's The Princess Diaries).  Victoria and the Rogue, I want to say was a lot different then Meg's other books, but me saying that would be lying, I realized.

Because while, the overall genre is very different from Meg's other works, the more in depth analysis would show that this book still has Meg's witty humorous female characters.

Even though Victoria lives in the year 1810, and is growing up in a time period where ladies are supposed to act much more proper and elegant than they do today, she continues to have the spunk that is missing in many historical novels.

Victoria, a sixteen year old girl, ready to come out into the world to find a husband, has just been shipped to London, England, by her uncles in India.  While on the many months long journey, Victoria already finds herself being proposed to by the handsome Earl Hugo Rothschild.
With the annoying captain of the Harmony, Jacob Carstairs,  standing behind them eavesdropping, Victoria finds herself saying yes.
Victoria and the Rogue
Believing that she must never see the irritating Jacob Carstairs again, and waiting upon her new fiance's return, from important business, Victoria finds the Mr. Carstairs is in fact, a very important part of her Aunt and Uncle's, whose she's moved in with, family.
He's over almost every night for dinner, plays with the kids.  And much more to Vicky's annoyance, continues to talk to her, and calling her names such as Miss Bee, and telling her some very not-so-savvy things about her future that he may be after something!
Not wanting to believe it, Victoria tries to continue going on with her life, by planning her wedding, and dealing with some changes in the new household she's inhabited.

Is it possible Victoria may be mistaken, and Jacob Carstairs is right?  Is Mr. Rothschild, after something?  Should it matter to Victoria?  And what is it about that Jacob Carstairs, that makes Victoria feel so unsteady?

Find out in Meg Cabot's 2003 release...Victoria and the Rogue to find out! :)

Now to the recap, unfortunately today's poster hasn't posted yet, so I'm waiting on that, but there was an awesome post yesterday and one from Diana! So check those out when you get a chance! :)
 Next week, the final week in Meg-A Readers we've got a ton of exciting things happening!

First off, we've got some great posts, one every day!!, and then something SUPER SUPER SUPER SPECIAL to wrap up Meg-A Readers!!!

And I'll be announcing the Grand Prize Winner for the SIGNED copies of Abandon & the ARC of Underworld next Saturday! So stay tuned!!

So here are the two Giveaways going on right now!
Don't forget to enter if you haven't already!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also unfortunately because the original winner of the Signed Mediators books last week still has not responded (I had decided to give her a little extra time, because it's summer and people go on vacations), I have chosen a new winner!


You have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you!

So that's it once again from me this week! :)

Happy Reading! (and hopefully some awesome Meg Cabot books!!)
The Romance Bookie 


  1. Congrats Larissa!! :D

  2. After the 1-800 series Victoria and the Rogue is one of my top favorites. I think it was one of the first few historical fictions I actually enjoyed and now I love that genre.

    1. I've actually only read two two historical fiction novels, and both by Meg. Ransom my Heart and this one. I enjoyed both very much, but I believe mostly because they both still had Meg's amazing humor! :)

  3. I loved Victoria and the Rogue and am also currently enjoying Meg's other teen historical romance, Nicola and the Viscount. They are very different than her other books but still have the same wit we all love. My favorite line from Victoria and the Rogue: "Besides, one simply did not speak of underdone meat in front of an earl."

    1. I still need to get my hands on Nicola and the Viscount! And love the quote! :)

  4. I have't read Victoria and The Rogue :| I need to do that soon! I've put up my Meg-a-Readers blog hop post! :)


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