This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki and Illustrated by Jillian Tamaki (Graphic Novel)


Another review from my weekend binge reading!

This one is another graphic novel titled, This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Jillian Tamaki.

From Goodreads: 

Every summer, Rose goes with her mom and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach.  It's their getaway, their refuge.  Rosie's friend Windy is always there, too, like the little sister she never had. But this summer is different. Rose's mom and dad won't stop fighting, and when Rose and Windy seek a distraction from the drama, they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. It's a summer of secrets and sorrow and growing up, and it's a good thing Rose and Windy have each other.

In This One Summer two stellar creators redefine the teen graphic novel. Cousins Mariko and Jillian Tamaki, the team behind Skim, have collaborated on this gorgeous, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful story about a girl on the cusp of her teen age-- a story of renewal and revelation. 

My Thoughts: 

I don't know if I just felt too old for this book, or if it just wasn't my thing overall, but I honestly didn't really like this one.  The awkward moments were a bit much for me throughout.  The things these young children were exposed to bothered me.  Maybe its because I'm new parent myself, but this just wasn't my type of read.  It was heavy, but written for a very young audience, in terms of the writing style.  

I didn't particularly grow to care or like the characters either.  

Overall Rating:

It just wasn't one of my favorites.  I think I just felt old reading it. 

The Romance Bookie :)


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