The Bride Wore Size 12 (#5 in Heather Wells) by Meg Cabot is OUT TODAY!!!!


The day is finally here!!!


This is my ARC copy of The Bride Wore Size 12 :)

THE BRIDE WORE SIZE 12!!!! The Fifth book in the Heather Wells series!!!!!!!!

I am so darn excited, because if I HAD to absolutely choose Heather Wells, besides The Princess Diaries is hands down my favorite series by Meg Cabot!! Heather, is probably the one book character I can relate to the most out of all the books I've ever read!! She's totally awesome!! I totally wish I solved mysteries and was amazing at it like she is!!!

Anyway, GO OUT and get your copy or ORDER IT!!!

You can get your own copy either at Barnes and NobleAmazon, or wherever your nearest bookstore is!!!!!!

In honor of this AWESOME release, and probably my years most anticipated release...I decided to do a little art project on my day off on Saturday!  I am a huge scrapbooker, at least I used to be when I had the time and money back in high school.  Now I like to dilly dally in it once in a while, and I've been itching to do a new project!  So Saturday I made a new Meg Cabot page :

Yes that says "Stay Away from elevator shafts"!  If you've read the books, you would get the reference :)

Also, here's one I made a couple of years back...

SO GO AND GET IT!! If you haven't read the first book in the series, I would of course recommend reading that one first, because it is a series.  So if that's the case, I would honestly just recommend buying all of them at once, because YOU WILL get hooked!! And even if you happen to not, then they make an awesome gift!!!!  So if you do like them, then you should totally be that awesome friend that buys a second set for your best friend! Just saying!! :)

Anyway, yeah just wanted you all to know...The Bride Wore Size 12 is out TODAY!!!! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


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