Random Post #1 (Glee Character analysis)

Happy Friday everyone!!

So I realize not everyone watches Glee.  However, I'm one of those viewers that still watches it, however at times am not really sure why anymore, and then other times I just want to never end.

I will say this post is for all those people that have seen at least one of the episodes from this season!!
AND WARNING!!! This contains spoilers from last night's Break-up episode!!

Today I am writing my first...okay, not first, but I'm just going to count it as my first official, random post.

It's a character analysis of quite a few of the Glee characters.  Some more in depth, and some not.

So here goes:

Let's start with the famous...

Rachel (Portrayed by Lea Michele):  First off, I just want to say her dialogue has gotten SO much better!! I love how New York has finally given her the reality check she needed.  Now she can see that life doesn't always go your way, or that she's the only talented one in the world.

Finn (portrayed by Cory Monteith)=Finn, Finn, Finn, only he would be able to get a "some what honorable discharge" from the army without doing it on purpose.  In a way, his and Rachel's "ending" will be good for him, because it will finally him the chance to find himself, and not have to live in Rachel's shadow anymore.

Kurt (portrayed by Chris Colfer)=New York is definitely where he belongs! I get Blaine is upset that he is gone, but Kurt needs to start his own future outside of Blaine.  That doesn't mean giving up and ignoring B, but just getting the opportunity everyone deserves.

Blaine (portrayed by Darren Criss)=I'm just going to say it...WHY??? Why would he not only brake Kurt's heart, but pretty much everyone who watched that episode, including yours truly??? WHY??? I'm still breaking out in tears just thinking about it! What he did was lousy, but if Rob and KStew can work it out, so can he and Kurt, I believe!

Brittany (Heather Morris)= her little Brittany Spears' act in Britney 2.0, was a bit overdone for me.  First, she is NOT a pop princess with at least a hand full of platinum records and her last name is not Spears! She needs to get over herself! What she needs to do is concentrate on graduating high school, before she becomes a super SUPER senior!

Santana (Naya Rivera)=  in a way, I thought her speech to Brittany, last night, made sense, because now they won't have to do the whole long distance thing and suffer.  However, on the other hand, when she mentioned the whole "Energized" cheating thing, and then afterwards gave her the break-up speech, it sounds to me as if she wants them to see other people, without either of them cheating, and then when they are both ready to get back together and go right back to where they left off.  Yeah I don't think so!  You either love someone and stay with them, or you let them go for good.  And plus, why would she sing "Mine" by Taylor Swift and then say that?? Who does something like that??

Artie (Kevin McHale)= Honestly, I haven't been able to stand him since about the second half of season 1.  I hate his dialogue, I think he's way overdone, with his whole confidence thing.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that he believes himself, but he is MEAN!! He is so condescending to everyone!

Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz)= Since the first episode of this new season I don't like her anymore.  I think Mike made her a better person, and now that they've broken up she thinks she's all that, and the best thing that happened to McKinley High.  She's actually like Diva Mercedes (see Mercedes below).

Mercedes (Amber Riley)= (note: so Mercedes hasn't actually made an appearance in this new season so far) I used to love Mercedes.  However, every time she brought out her "Diva" moments, it took a piece of my like for her each time.  I sure hope she can redeem herself this season.

Quinn (Dianna Agron)= (note: Like Mercedes, Quinn has not made an appearance yet, either, in this new season)  Quinn, I've always been VERY iffy with her.  At the beginning of the last season, when the whole baby drama was going down with Shelby, I HATED her!! I wanted to smack her every time she came out! I get it, she was upset, but she made the decision to give her baby away, and it wasn't as if Shelby wouldn't allow her to not see her baby!  Now, if Shelby wouldn't have allowed it, I would have understood, but otherwise, Quinn made the decision, and she needs to live with that choice.
Luckily, I will say she redeemed herself near the end of last season, before the accident.  I liked it when her and Rachel finally worked out their differences.

Puck (Mark Salling)= With Puck, it should be pretty much expected that he'll do something bad...or he'll show his good heart.  I love those moments :), especially when he made a visit to McKinley High and said "Hi" to his brother.

Jake (Jacob Artist)= Puck's half brother!! This guy is going to win over Marley's heart! I'm telling you right now!! Watching him and Marley, is like watching "West Side Story" meets "High School Musical" love it!! I'm so glad he got rid of that Kitty chick!!

Marley (Melissa Benoist)= REALLY like her! I love her story! I love her voice! I think she's going to have some real potential on the show! Really excited to hear and see more of her, especially if it involves Jake!

Kitty (that mean cheerleader that no one likes)= cheerleader Quinn meets Santana's bitchy side!  This chick is awful! Horrible person! I sure hope they make something interesting out of her!

Mr. Schuester (Matthew Morrison)= he's had his moments in the show, especially in the the last couple of seasons, where I thought to myself, "And why are you a teacher?"  He has some great advice for his students, but in the end he is like all of those other music teachers who have their favorites and give all the solos to like three people tops! Welcome to my high school choir experience!

Sue (Jane Lynch)= even though her dialogue is so outrageous, I can't help forgive Sue for it, because Jane Lynch just seems like one of the coolest people in the world!!

Emma (Jayma Mayes)= Miss Pillsbury, aka Miss Ultimate Innocent.  I get her point on why she doesn't want to go with Will to DC to help him follow his dream.  I do hope they don't give up on their relationship!

Overall: I'm looking forward to what they'll be doing this season! I hope they cut down on the over unrealistic dialogue, especially the ones involving Brittany and Kitty.  It's a bit overdone for me at times.  I'm curious to see how Finn works everything out.  And of course, Rachel NYADA experience, and Kurt's Vogue.com gig!  I do hope to see more of Sarah Jessica Parker, I loved her voice!! I can't wait to see Anne Hathaway eventually, I heard there was rumor that she was going to be playing Kurt's Aunt, is that still happening?? I HOPE SO!!!

Anyway, that is the end of my Random Post #1! :)

It's dedicated to all of us Glee fans out there! :)

Oh and before I go I do want to end it with last night's finale song, because it was just absolutely devastating and gorgeous at the same time!

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. I'll like to make a confession and say that I've watched no more than five Glee episodes.

    1. Oh that's ok! A lot of people don't like it. At least you said it in a very nice way haha, some people will put others down based on their likes, and I sort of have a problem with that.

  2. I love Glee I almost cried during yesterday's ep!

  3. I absolutely LOVE Glee. So but I haven't seen this episode. I love that these characters are moving on.

    1. Yes, I am liking it too! However, I was a bit iffy last season when they announced that a lot of the original characters were graduating! But I like it how now we get a go a little outside of McKinley!


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