My First Interview ever!!
Over the summer, I was personally asked on Goodreads by Derrolyn Anderson, the author of Marina Tales, to read and review her books. I, of course, was like "Oh my Gosh!!! An actual published author just asked me to read her books!!!" and was screaming up and down in my room.
Well, it's taking me a while, but I finally was able to find the time to finish the second book in the series (I did a review a couple of months ago on Derrolyn's first novel Between the Land and the Sea), The Moon and the Tide.
The Moon and the Tide, continues where Between the Land and the Sea left off. Marina has just found out she is a Mermaid, and while she still has many full moons before she has to make up her mind on either staying human or permanently becoming a mermaid, she had other problems to deal with in this one. Not only do Ethan and her have some bumps in the road for their relationship, but also Marina may have realized that being a Hybrid Mermaid (half-human/half mermaid), because she finds herself being followed. People are getting suspicious about her abilities to surf, which she picked a bit too fast for an average person, and the affect she has on the sea animals.
Overall Rating:
I found this book enjoyable. It was relaxing, and would have been an excellent summer read, especially for the beach :). I was very fortunate, because when I asked Derrolyn, she agreed to do an interview. I asked a few questions about her series, and she was glad to answer them:
and the just released...
Well, it's taking me a while, but I finally was able to find the time to finish the second book in the series (I did a review a couple of months ago on Derrolyn's first novel Between the Land and the Sea), The Moon and the Tide.
The Moon and the Tide, continues where Between the Land and the Sea left off. Marina has just found out she is a Mermaid, and while she still has many full moons before she has to make up her mind on either staying human or permanently becoming a mermaid, she had other problems to deal with in this one. Not only do Ethan and her have some bumps in the road for their relationship, but also Marina may have realized that being a Hybrid Mermaid (half-human/half mermaid), because she finds herself being followed. People are getting suspicious about her abilities to surf, which she picked a bit too fast for an average person, and the affect she has on the sea animals.
Overall Rating:
I found this book enjoyable. It was relaxing, and would have been an excellent summer read, especially for the beach :). I was very fortunate, because when I asked Derrolyn, she agreed to do an interview. I asked a few questions about her series, and she was glad to answer them:
1. The Romance Bookie: What inspired you to write this story?
Derrolyn: I used to live in the little neighborhood the story is set in. It’s often quite foggy there, and there really is an old decrepit cement ship at the end of a pier- it’s a very moody setting. When I decided to write a YA romance set in Aptos, the location just kind of screamed mermaid.
2. TRB: What made you want to become a writer?
D: I’ve always been a reader and a daydreamer, and looking at some of my daughter’s great YA stories made me start thinking about writing a sweet romance about first love. Writing it was a lot harder than I ever imagined, but once I got started, it quickly became an obsession.
4. TRB: What was your process for choosing how Marina is characteristically?
D: I’ve always liked “fish out of water” characters (no pun intended!). I wanted Marina to be sophisticated but innocent, so I made her a homeschooled globe-trotter, with a fairy godmotherish “Aunt Evie”.
5. TRB: What can we expect from the third novel in the series? Will there be more, in Marina's adventures?
D: Poor Marina, there are still some bad-guys out to get her, only this time they’re after something other than what she thinks. She has to come to terms with her new-found powers and her new-found relationship at the same time she learns more about her new-found family!
I’m just now starting on book #4 in the series, and while I may be able to wrap things up with it, I’m a seat of the pants writer, and I never know exactly where the story is going to end up when I start it. I have a loose outline, so we’ll see...
6. TRB: Will we be seeing more novels from you, when you're finished with Marina's Tales?
D: Definitely! I have an idea for another YA series, along with a few more adult themed thrillers. I’ve found writing to be one of of the hardest, frustrating, and most entertaining things I’ve ever done. I’ve always been a painter, so now painting with words is something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life too.
After I finished the second novel, I also checked out Derrolyn Anderson's website, and found out she is also an extremely talented painter! She has some very great paintings and sculptures that she's made. The website also features more background information on her series, for instance pictures of places she used as inspiration for settings in the story.
To check out Derrolyn's series and to get more information on her check out her website:
And just for the heck of it, I've also included a poll that Derrolyn made in honor of her Mermaid, fantastic series; here's the link for that:
I really hope I did okay for my first interview...
I would love to hear some feedback. But anyway, I really hope you enjoyed, and I will be back soon with another review!! For the time being, I hope everyone has a great week!
The Romance Bookie :)
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