The Best of 2013! Plus Challenge Wrap up!

2013!!! Where have you gone???  It feels like just yesterday that I was doing the countdown with my friends for 2013! Now I'll be doing it AGAIN tonight!

2013 was such an interesting year! When it comes to reading I started the year strong, but then it sort of dwindled around summer time. But personally I think I have a pretty good excuse for that...I met someone this year.  And while I still read, I will admit it isn't my number one priority anymore.  And to be honest, it's kind of a relief!  The last couple of years reading has become a chore to me.  Authors, publishers, agents, etc. sending me request after request, and me being the type of person who can't so no...I finally realized something...READING IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!

So what now? you may be asking.  Is there still a future for The Romance Bookie?

ABSOLUTELY! Of course!! The Romance Bookie is my baby! I have put so much hard work into getting The Romance Bookie to where is it today!

But none the less, the changes that have occurred over the past few months, will most likely continue.

Reviews will be less frequent.  Not only because of personal relationships, but also because next semester will be very vigorous for me.  I will be taking three night courses, plus one online, plus working two jobs.  And let's be honest, I still need a social life lol.  I've definitely gotten used to that, and I am 100% loving it!

To start off the New Year, I'm doing something EXTREMELY EXCITING!!!!!!!!! Something I've never gotten to do!  I am going to Florida to go to DisneyWorld with my boyfriend this Sunday!! We will be there until the 18th, so don't expect any posts in that time.  I have never been to Florida before!! And also I am A HUGE DISNEY fan!! Like HUGE!! I LOVE Disneyland! I got so lucky, because I met a man who also loves Disneyland as much as I do!!!! It's going to be awesome!!

While this was a year of many exciting things, it was also a year of heartache.  In July I lost one of my best friends due to a car crash.  She was only 21, and while we had lost contact over the years since middle school, she was the first person that was a true friend to me here in America (I'm from Germany, if you didn't know that).  Sherilyn I will miss you always, and always think of the amazing fun times we shared during our many sleep overs! One memory that will never leave me, is the night where we were watching Disney Channel together, and the FIRST EVER Trailer for "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" came on.  Sherilyn and I RAN screaming with excitement down the stairs to the living room where my parents were watching TV, and excitedly told them the news, as they looked at us like we were insane.  It was great! :)
I lost a few people this year that were a strong part of my life growing up, and they will be extremely missed.

Anyway, enough with the sad, and on to the best of 2013!

This years best of 2013 books, are in no particular order.  But I've picked ten of them that I absolutely loved!

Before I do show you my list though, I must admit, this wasn't the greatest year in books, in my opinion.  I read a lot of books I had been anticipating and they ended up disappointing me.  But none the less, there were still some amazing here goes!

THE BEST BOOKS OF 2013 (that I read this year! Not necessarily released this year) ACCORDING TO THE ROMANCE BOOKIE!!

This was a year of many series coming to an end!  Cassandra Clare (who I got to meet in March!!) ended her Infernal Devices series, Hilary Duff's "Elixir" series came to an end, Christina Lauren's Beautiful Bastard Series started and came to an end this year!, Lauren Oliver's "Delirium" trilogy ended, Meg Cabot's "Abandon" Trilogy!  So many! 

In one way it is very sad, but in another it gives me the opportunity to start some more series!! :)

On the Challenges!!

Well, let's just say I failed miserably this year!  

I only read 72 books, instead of the 100 that was my goal.  While I wanted to listen to 5 audiobooks, I only made it to 3.  I did complete my ebook challenge.  My goal was to read at least 25 ebooks, and I read 32.  With the ABC Challenge I didn't read a book for letters O, Q, V, X, Y, and Z.  I think pretty much the same letters I didn't do last year. For the YA Contemporary Challenge my goal was to read 5 new released YA contemporaries of 2013, I was able to read 15! I wanted to read at least 20 from my TBR shelf, I only read 10 ;(.  However, I will admit I didn't add very many this year! I was very good when it came to buying books!!

So anyway, that's it from me this year! I've got to get going!  Need to do a little shopping before the New Years Eve party I'm going to tonight.  Plus packing for FLORIDA!!! 

So excited!!!!


The Romance Bookie :)


  1. I read Dash + Lily, Wallbanger, and the Beautiful Bastard books, and there's a few of these I definitely want to read too. Are they making Dash + Lily into a movie, too? That would be a good one.

    Have fun in Florida!! Last time I went was 2006, for Disney, and 2005 for Clearwater/Tampa. It's pretty nice there and Disney is a lot of fun.

  2. Congrats on the challenges and the wonderful year. Sorry I haven't been around here much lately. Missed your blog and I hope you are having a great time in Florida! Happy New Years.

    Wallbanger looks interesting.


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