Meg-A Readers Week! Day 5: Party Princess (The Princess Diaries #7) by Meg Cabot (Giveaway!)

Hey Everyone!!

It's Day 5 of Meg-A Readers 2014!!

And for my first review today I've got Party Princess (#7 in The Princess Diaries Series)!

From Goodreads:

Princess just want to have fun . . . And Mia does too, despite the fact that the student government over which she presides is suddenly broke. But Grandmere's got a wacky scheme to raise the money, catapult Mia to theatrical fame, and link her romantically with an eligible teen bachelor who's not her boyfriend. No wonder Michael seems to think she's a psycho, or worse: not much fun. Is it possible that Mia, soon-to-be star of the stage, president of the student body, and future ruler of Genovia, doesn't know how to party?

My Thoughts:

This is the one where Mia completely humiliates herself in front of not only her brother's fellow college classmates, but also in front of her friends.  It's pretty funny, yet at the same time I cringe every single time I read that part.

In Party Princess, we're also introduced to a character that has been mentioned throughout the series, yet we've never actually gotten to meet him...The Guy Who Hates It When They Put Corn In His Chili.  AKA JP!

Now for those of you who have read the series, you know all about JP, and what he does.  There is no way I'm giving anything away though! Sorry Guys!

Lilly acts her crazy self again in this one.  However, she actually sort of has a good reason for doing so, in this one, because she's going through a bit of a hard time at home.  And to be honest, I can see why she's a bit jealous of Mia, someone who is sort of getting everything that Lilly also wants.  But again, that's no reason to be blaming your best friend, who didn't even ask for these things to happen to her!

Overall rating:


Just kidding, I'm obviously not going to force you too, but no seriously...Read this series!!


Don't forget to enter the Meg-A Readers 2014 Giveaway!


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The Romance Bookie :)


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