Meg-A Readers Blog Hop

So I have got some REALLY exciting news!  Like all great things, it started with an idea...

A few weeks ago, I kept having this idea run through my head...Meg Cabot...books...I author...two new releases...within two months...

You know how it is when ideas go through your head, they're all over...right??!! Or am I just crazy??  Well anyway, that was what was going through my head.

Let me just mention for the millionth time on this blog that I am a HUGE HUGE HUGEEEEE Meg Cabot fan!! Like obsessed with her stuff!! To the max!!! I read the entire Princess Diaries books probably about once a year, if not all of them, at least the third and tenth ones, because those are my favorite :)! In fact, I've been hooked on Meg's book since my freshmen year in high school, when I checked out The Princess Diaries at my high school's library.  And since then, I have gotten quite the collection going...just adding to it every time Meg releases a new book.

WELL ANYWAY, I have got some exciting news for ALL MEG CABOT FANS WHO BLOG!!!!

Diana over at Little Miss Drama Queen and I have decided to join forces (or should I say Blogs?? :)) and start, what I hope will become the first ANNUAL Meg-A Readers Blog Hop!!!  That's right, Meg Cabot fans!! This is just the event for you!! :)

Meg Cabot has gotten thousands...if not possibly millions...of young girls to read, and while personally, I consider Meg to be this generations Judy Blume, I think it should be known and celebrated!!

Meg-A Readers Blog Hop is an event celebrating the work of Meg.  And guess what?? We want ALL OF YOU to participate!!!

Here are the details:

Because Meg's having TWO books released this year, and both within a two month period, we will be combining Meg-A Readers Blog Hop with both those releases!

It will start May 21st (one week before the release of Underworld (the second in the Abandon Trilogy) and end on July 21st (roughly a little over a week after the release of Size 12 and Ready to Rock (the fourth in the Heather Wells Mysteries).

Throughout those two months we are hoping to get as many bloggers, to each host a day, where you will write all about your love for Meg!

Here are your options:

You can either:
-Post a review about any of Meg Cabot's books.
-Write about how Meg's books came into your life, and what impact they have had.
-If you've met Meg, tell your story.
-Or we have decided a fun one would be to do an "interview".  While we don't want you all pestering Meg for an interview, she is a busy woman after all, and we do want her to finish her next projects, and possibly visit us in our towns!!! :), Diana and I have come up with the idea of doing an "interview" with your favorite Meg Cabot character.  Now, we know this will be tricky, but a lot of fun!! :)  (If you choose to do this, please, email us (my email is: and let us know what you plan on doing :).
-Of course, if you want to and have the resources, you are welcome to host a Meg Cabot giveaway!  Those are always fun!
-And then we will also be posting a list of books that have been approved by us that you can do a review on that have similar subjects as Meg's two new releases.  We are planning on having anyone interested post a review on a Mythological book between May 21st and June 23rd, and then after the 23rd, you may choose to do a review on a Mystery novel ( the list will be posted soon! :), and if a book you want to read isn't on their, then email us and ask! :))

So those are the options, of course we are open to suggestions!! So don't hesitate to email or comment :).

And then we have also decided to have a Meg Cabot Read-a-Thon Week!!  This will be the week of Sunday June 17th to Saturday June 23rd, and during that week all the participants, who have the time, and of course everyone else (even non-bloggers can participate during this week!) will begin the challenge of reading AS MANY Meg Cabot books as they can in ONE WEEK!!!

So how does that sound??  I hope ALL OF YOU participate!! I think it will be A LOT of fun!! :)

So PLEASE if you are interested and have a blog, sign up at the bottom using the Link-up! :)

May 21st, it will all begin, but we all the sign-ups before then! :)

Thanks everyone, and please sign up and spread the word!! :)

It will be exciting!! :)



The Romance Bookie :)

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  1. This is such an awesome project I'm sure It's going to be a success. I hope to be doing my sign up post soon, so I can link up.

    1. Hey Alex! I'm so excited that you're signing up!

      But you don't have to do a sign-up post, you can just link up! Of course, if you want to spread the word! That would be awesome of course! :)

    2. Finally did the sign up post :D
      =) I'm so excited for this event

  2. My blog isn't about books. Can I still sign up to write a Meg Cabot-themed post?

    1. Hello Lady Jessop!

      Yes! Absolutely! All bloggers are welcome! :)

  3. I loveee Meg Cabot! Though I haven't read all her books, but she remains an absolute favorite! :D

    Good luck with this Hop. I'm sure it's going to be be successful. :)

  4. OMG I love Meg Cabot... her books are MY LIFE... :P Could I post a review of one of her books?? Thanks!!

  5. This sounds like great fun! absolutely signing up :)


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