Recap of Week 1 on Meg-A Readers Blog Hop!

Hey everyone!!

Fridays until the end of Meg-A Readers will be dedicated to recaps of what was posted in honor of Meg Cabot and her work! :)

So what I have decided to do, is start off each Friday's recap with something Meg related, whether it is a book review, giveaway, story, or possibly even an...interview (hint...hint...) ;).  Anyway, for today, because I was EXTREMELY busy with finals and a field trip with some fourth graders, and because Goodreads was TOTALLY AWESOME!!! and was able to get Meg to do a LIVE video chat!!

I was extremely bummed, because I was looking forward to this video chat ALL WEEK!! I had it in my phone as an alarm, and in an alert on the calendar on my phone, and guess what??!!! I TOTALLY MESSED UP!! I hate it when things say E/T (Eastern Time) and P/T (Pacific Time)!  I totally didn't see that! And I've been double checking that alert on Goodreads all week!! Well to make a long (okay, actually short) story short(er), I missed it!  It was at 2 p.m., here at the Pacific Ocean coast, and at 5 p.m. on the East coast, and I had thought it was at 5 here! I was REALLY SAD!!!! ;(.

Well, luckily, I got to see it anyway, just an hour later...

But to share it with you, to all the fans, like me, who missed it because either you didn't know it was happening, you messed up the time like me, or you were just busy it is:
Watch live streaming video from goodreads at
Watch live streaming video from goodreads at

Isn't Meg just awesome??!! So now to the recap! We had some AWESOME entries this week! First off, James over at Book Chic, whose been an ENORMOUS help as Diana and I were trying to organize everything that has gone into Meg-A Readers, had an awesome interview with Meg, so be sure to look at that.  Than we've got Jory over at Jo Writes the Blog, who talks about how Meg's came into her life, and how much she enjoyed meeting Meg, and reading her novels.  And then Nicole over at Wickedly Sweet Books wrote both a review on Underworld (and is also GIVING away her ARC copy of Underworld)!! AND a story on how Meg's books came into her life & Molly over at YAL Book Briefs who has a super fun and interesting Fashion Analysis of some of Meg's awesome characters!

And of course there are Diana over at Little Miss Drama Queen and my story of how Meg's books came into our lives!

So here are the links:

1. James's Meg Cabot Interview!
2. Jory's Story on how Meg's books came into her life!
3. Nicole's Underworld Review AND Giveaway! PLUS her Meg Story!
4. Molly's Meg's Characters Fashion Analysis
5. Diana's Meg story!
6. And just if you missed it My Meg Story

So that's everything for this week! I am SO looking forward to the next few weeks!

And DON'T forget to enter for a chance to win the Meg-A Readers Grand Prize!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Awesome posts! And thanks for posting the video. I tried to watch it live but my internet connection was slow so I didn't have the chance. :)

    1. Absolutely! It was perfect timing for the first weeks recap! :)


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