Recap of Week 2 Of Meg-A Readers Blog Hop! Plus Code Name Cassandra Review

Hey Everyone!!

So Week 2 has come and gone already! :)

We had some exciting posts again this week!!

We had an awesome review from Kati over at Victorian Wonderland of the Mediator series and lovely California.  And Alex over A Girl, Books, and Other Things named her five favorite Meg Cabot characters (which by the way contains some SUPER awesome characters!!).
Oh and Diana over at Little Miss Drama Queen is giving away a signed copy of Abandon!!
Recap Links:
So for this week, in honor of Meg-A Readers I've also decided to do a review on Code Name Cassandra (#3 in the 1-800-Where-R-You Series):

The 1-800-Where-R-You series is literally the only series I have not read by Meg Cabot!  I've had my eyes on them for forever, but just hadn't gotten around to reading them! I read the first book in the series When Lightning Strike (review HERE!) back in February, and found myself loving yet another series by Meg Cabot! She's proven again to me, just how versatile she can be, while still holding on to that lovely charm she adds to her characters in each of her novels! I just absolutely adore it!

Code Name Cassandra includes the lovely character Jess, who in the first novel was struck by lightning and wakes up the morning after knowing exactly (address and everything!) where a kid who went missing years ago, after she saw his picture on a milk carton the night before!

After fighting off the FBI, and convincing them that her powers "have disappeared", Jess has attempted to live a normal life, and sign up to be a counselor for a music prodigy camp for the summer, instead of changing the trays on the steam table, in one of her father's Italian restaurants (and not the good one, the buffet one, which Jess just hates working at).

She hates those steam tables, and figured that working with a few smart music kids would be fun! Plus she gets to the counselor for a girl cabin, where she plans on having longs talks into the night, braiding their hair, and having fun!

...Unfortunately, her head counselor has other reenforcing Jess to a BOY cabin, because they were a bit short of male counselors, and have gotten a new girl counselor to replace her in the girl cabin...and that girl just happens to be the annoying chick who fights for Jess's third chair in band each year, by challenging her!

Trying everything she can to stay low, she seems to fail miserably when one of the boys...the annoying one (you know, every cabin has one!), calls her out on being "Lightning Girl"; AND a father tracks her down and asks her to find his daughter whose been taken by his ex-wife and is living with her new boyfriend...who lets just say, isn't the type guy you would want to even call a friend...let alone a BOYfriend!

Jess excepts the case, especially after she sees the little girls picture...but asks the father not to tell anyone!

What happens?
Well, of course what always happens!  Hint: it has to do with the F-B-I! Yeah, the big Feds!

Along the way, Jess also continues to try to convince Rob (the guy she met in detention during the first book) that she and him are meant to be together, and that age shouldn't an issue...she will be seventeen in eight and a half months afterall! And it's not like Rob's old! He's only eighteen!  But Rob won't have any of it! But he is willing to drive 4 hours to help out Jess when she asks for it!

Overall rating:

I thought this was a great continuation of Jess's story!  I am really looking forward to reading the third one very soon! Especially now that Meg-A Readers is in full swing! :)

The Romance Bookie :)
And don't forget to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway for Meg-A Readers!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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