Music Tuesday #15

So today is April 10th, also the 100th anniversary of when the RMS Titanic started its Maiden Voyage.  What no one knew at the time, was that not only would that day go down in history but it was also many of those peoples last days.

I have been fascinated with the story of the Titanic since I first saw the movie with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in 1998.  I was too young at the time it was released into theaters (only 6 in 1997), so I didn't get to see it until 1998 when it had been released on video (yes, video...not DVD). 

Since then, I've bought the DVD and watch it every couple of years, and each time I cry my eyes out. 

Last Thursday I went and saw it in 3-D in theaters.  It's something I've always wanted to do, because at the time of the original release my mom wouldn't stop talking about how much she loved seeing it on the big screen.

(on a side note, Titanic, it's original release in 1997, was also the last time my dad went into a movie theater! haha)

So this past Thursday I FINALLY got to see Titanic not only on the big screen but also in 3-D! It was an amazing experience, and even though 3-D didn't make that much of a difference, it was still not only amazing seeing the Titanic actually HUGE, but only getting to see Leonardo on the big screen when he was still cute! :)

So in honor of today, the song I have chosen (I'm sure you can guess what it is...), is...

And btw according THIS article, Kate Winslet can't stand hearing this song anymore...but then again, can you blame her??

Happy Tuesday everyone! :)

The Romance Bookie :)

PS: BLOGGERS don't forget to sign-up for the Meg-A Readers Blog Hop!


  1. The 1st time i watched I had gone to visit my auntie after a long day of coaching.I unwined for sure.I loved every bit of this movie.Hope the 3D version comes to Uganda ASAP.

  2. I LOVE this song! It's such a great song, I think, for the Titanic and Celine Dion has such a strong voice.. It's funny, because I want to be a singer when I grow up, so I do song reviews on Tuesday, too, as well as Thursdays. When I do them on Tuesday, they're called Tuney Tuesday. :) Great minds think alike, right? ;)

    Check out a sample post of it here

    1. Thanks Eileen! And yes great minds think alike! ;)

      And I love your blog!


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