Music Tuesday #17

Good Morning! (or possibly, or evening depending on where you are :)),

But for today's Music Tuesday, I have decided to post a classic.  This song is in honor of my newest character...I've been writing a bit lately...nothing, that will most likely, ever see the time of day, but it's something I like to do once in a while, to get my mind off of things. 
Well, anyway, I've found myself making a new playlist for every story I come up with, as I write, and this song happens to be on there :).
So I hope you enjoy...

A couple of my friends would argue that Jimi belongs on everyone's favorite list :) lol, he isn't on mine personally, but I do enjoy this song, and it fits perfectly with the character. :)

Happy Tuesday!

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. I love the new design! Did you do this yourself? I love it!!!

    1. Hey Alysia! Thanks! And I chose the background but this super awesome blogger, named Singing and Reading in the Rain,(link:
      made my button and header! Isn't it awesome! I am so excited about it! I just can't get enough of it, lol. :)


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