Breathless Tours Gals Live Video Chat

Hey everyone!!

So for a quick post today, I just wanted to let you all know about a SUPER fun live video chat that happened with the Penguin Teen gals of the Breathless Tour...Beth Revis (Across the Universe), Andrea Cremer (Nightshade), Jessica Spotswood (Born Wicked), and Marie Lu (Legend)!!

So I was extremely lucky enough to meet these gals back in February Passion and Prose along with Sara Etienne Wilson (Harbinger) and talk to them all!  They were so much fun! And all so extremely nice!!

They answered a ton of questions, including at the end when they answered MY question and Andrea even addressed me!!! OMG that totally made my day LOL.  It was the one at the end where Andrea says, "Mandy just asked will we be touring again together?"  YAY!!!

So anyway if you missed it, check it out here:

The Romance Bookie :)


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