Review for One for the Money Movie!

So I finally saw it!!! Yes!!!
I just couldn't stand the wait anymore, so I bit the bullet and rented for the first time ever a movie over iTunes!!

Janet Evanovich's first Stephanie Plum book, One for the Money was made into a movie and came into theaters earlier this WAY EARLIER this year! 
I actually read the book back in February (Review can be found HERE!) and thought it was one of the funniest things ever!! Since then I've only only read the first and second, but enjoying every minute of it! 

Katherine Heigl portrays Stephanie in the movie, and even though I've heard many complaints about the casting choice, for me it was great, because I actually read the book after I already knew she was portraying the role, so I imagined her as Stephanie while reading. I also actually really liked her brunette hair in the role!

Overall, Katherine's portrayal was pretty good!  I will admit I did feel she had a tough time keeping up the Jersey accent at the beginning, she was going in and out of it, but as the movie went on, she seemed to get an okay handle on it. 

Morelli was awesome! I hadn't seen a picture of the actor, Jason O'Mara, before seeing the movie, so honestly I had no idea who would be playing him.  But I will admit I was imagining a Gerard Butler type guy...and dang! they honestly couldn't have picked a closer actor to Butler's super hot manliness!

Jason O'Mara as Joe Morelli
Pretty dang close right?!

Anyway, overall the movie did a great job sticking with the book!  Everything (at least from what I remembered) vital was in the movie! Grandma Mazur's gun incident at the dinner table...check!, Stephanie's handcuffed naked on the shower rod...check!, Lula...check!!, and all the vital characters...check!

It was pretty great!

Overall, I will admit there were parts where the movie was a bit slow...I don't know exactly how to describe it...I think it was mainly the directorial view (sort of think the difference between the lighting of the first Twilight and New Moon, do you know what I mean?  Not that I'm comparing Twilight with One for the Money! NO NOT AT ALL!! Just the directorial view!).  Anyway, I felt there could have also been a little more humor.  I felt I did laugh more while reading the book than watching the movie. 

Overall, when it comes to sticking with the book I give the movie 5 stars! But when it came to the small things like the humor, and the overall feeling the of movie (see above with Directorial view) then I give 3 I guess on average the overall film gets 4 stars from me, possibly 3 and a half, because the humor was really important to me! :)

Talk to you all later! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


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