City of Heavenly Fire (#6 in the Mortal Instrument Series) by Cassandra Clare

For us readers, finishing a book can not only be an experience of happiness, happy endings, and love, but also an experience of heartbreak, love lost, and the agony of waiting...just in case if that author changes his/her mind and decides to write another book.  But just because you are broken as a reader when you finish that book, that doesn't mean you didn't love it!! No. It might mean that you are sad, because you have had to say goodbye to some of your favorite characters.  I know my fellow Harry Potter, fans can relate.  I mean come on, if you were like me, and grew up from the fourth grade all the way to the 10th grade, like me, with those characters, you know exactly what I'm talking about!

At the end of May, Cassandra Clare released the last book in her Mortal Instrument Series...a series I first fell in love with in the early summer of 2011, when I first read City of Bones.

The Mortal Instruments, has been one of my favorite series of all time since I picked it up that fateful summer day.

...and now it has ended...

From Goodreads:

In this dazzling and long-awaited conclusion to the acclaimed Mortal Instruments series, Clary and her friends fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary's own brother.

Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.

The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris - but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?

When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee - even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned...

Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the word in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!

My Thoughts:

City of Heavenly Fire was everything I could have ever asked for in a conclusion to a much-loved series!  I'm not even kidding!

All I was hearing before CoHF was released, was "Who do you think is going to die?", "Somebody has to die!"

And while, I'm not going to say nobody dies, I also will say, I always somewhat knew (while I had my possible suspicions, on who it could be), that Cassie just couldn't do that to us fans!!

But like I said, SOMEONE does die!  Actually, a couple of regular characters die.

Obviously, I'm not going to say who, but I will just leave it at that!

But anyway, Cassandra brought in some of my favorite characters from her other connected, Prequel series, The Infernal Devices, which you haven't read those, you might be confused why two characters, that have rarely been mentioned, if at all, have their sections in this one.  So like I've said in all my other reviews from this series, and the Infernal Devices Series...READ THEM IN THE ORDER THEY WERE RELEASED!!!! So in other words, read both series at the same time.  Don't read one series first, and then the other one next!  IF you have to do that, then I would recommend reading The Infernal Devices Series first, because at least you'll get introduced to some pivotal characters that will return in The Mortal Instruments.

So overall rating:

This couldn't have been more of a perfect conclusion to a series! Cassie, if you ever, by some miracle read this, I just want to say THANK YOU! You definitely gave me the ending I was wanting! <3

Fans of the series, you won't be disappointed! Trust me!

The only thing I will warn you on, if you're like me, you will have problems when you read that last page, and have to say goodbye to some of your favorite characters.

The only thing that makes it a tad better, is knowing that Cassie has already announced a new series, related to the Mortal Instrument world, in which some of the characters that were introduced in this novel come into place more prominently.  You'll also notice...hint hint...that if you have ever looked at the inside jacket of the Hardcover version of Clockwork Princess (which, I'm not sure, might only be in the first Editions, but not 100% positive on that) you'll find an interesting Family Tree that becomes pretty prominent in this series, because you'll start recognizing last names!

So anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm off to a baby shower today, for one of my friends, which should be fun! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. Lovely review! I still haven't written up my own review for this one because I can't put it into words how much I loved it! :-)


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