Rebecca's Lost Journals: Volume 2: The Contract by Lisa Renee Jones

***WARNING***This Book contains graphic scenes not intended for anyone under the age of 18***

***ALSO WARNING!***This Review contains SPOILERS from Previous books in Series!!!*** 

From Goodreads:

Description is in my own words, since Goodreads doesn't have one...

The second book in Lisa Renee Jones's Novella series, Rebecca's Lost Journals, takes off where the first volume, Seduction, left off...with the contract that is given to Rebecca by "the Master"...

In this one, Rebecca has to make the tough decision, on whether she wants to risk her feelings in take part in this relationship that the mystery man, known as "The Master" has set up for her.  Will she say yes?  Is it something she can do to herself?

Find out in Volume 2, of Rebecca's Lost Journals!

My Thoughts:

Definitely a great continuation!  These just keep ending on such a suspenseful note, that I just want the next one RIGHT AWAY!!! When I finished Volume 1, I had emailed Lisa asking her if I could get a review copy of Volume 2 when it was I was REALLY excited when she sent me it right away!  

I devoured it in less than half an hour!  This mini series will keep on the edge of your seat, wanting to find out more and more about Rebecca, because she has all these secrets, that the reader is just dying to know!!!

My rating:

Writing, keeping the reader enthralled to keep going, and intriguing characters is something Lisa Renee Jones has a definite gift for!  I won't give it five bookies, just because originality wise, it has quite a few similarities to Fifty Shades...with the BDSM, the contract, and the beginning relationship between Christian and Ana is very similar to that of Rebecca and "The Master".

However, if you're a fan of Fifty Shades, you are sure to devour this series!  Definitely start by either reading Lisa's If I Were You, or starting Volume 1 of the Rebecca's Lost Journals Novella series, because information is given that is very important!!  I actually am very glad that I read If I Were You before I started these novellas, because I love all the characters coming back in this series!

More Later! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


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