Losing It by Cora Carmack Review

A couple of months ago there was a title and book description that completely caught my attention.

That book was Losing It by Cora Carmack.

I ended up buying it on Amazon for under $4, which wasn't too bad for an ebook (at least in my budget range...usually I don't spend over $3 though).

Well, I finally found the time to read it!

From Goodreads:
Losing It


Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.

My Thoughts:
Overall, I really liked this one.  I loved the story, the characters were pretty great, and some of the smaller elements too, like that Bliss was in college.

Before I go into all the things I liked though, I would like to say I'm not a huge fan of this cover.  The guy in it looks a bit creepy to me...or is that totally just me??

Anyway now to what I liked!!

I really loved this story concept.  I loved how Bliss, even though she thought she just wanted to get rid of her virginity at the beginning, ended up waiting.  I've never understood why a girl would want to give something like that to just any random guy.  She was a pretty relate able character though, which I also liked!  I also enjoyed getting a bit of a look into the theater world! That was interesting!

My overall rating?
There were bits and pieces that were a bit too cheesy for me, like some of the dialogue; but maybe that may have been because the main male character is from England...which is totally hot!
Overall the story reminded quite a bit of Jamie McGuire's Beautiful Disaster.  It dealt with a lot of the same issues, minus the whole teacher-student relationship. 

Overall, I definitely recommend this one to fans of Jamie's Beautiful Disaster! It was a great fast read.  I love these types of contemporaries, so it was great to just be able to escape into one!  Just what I needed! :)

So that's it from me once again.  Hope everyone is having a great week!

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. Oh good! I want to read this one :). And yes the guy on the cover is a little creepy, I agree.

    1. Haha I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought so! There were a bunch of people who loved this cover so much!

  2. You mean one of those is a GUY? Which one? And I suspect there are a lot of teenagers out there who think they're the only virgin in their circle, whether it's true or not, who get pressured into something they don't want. As for the teacher in this one, in real life he'd be thrown out of his job if he was found sleeping with students.

    1. Haha yes, one of those is a guy! And yes, normally the teacher would get fired. However, in this stories case the main female character was 22, and in her last semester of college; which I guess in the faculties eyes would probably just be a bit inappropriate. She wasn't in high school or anything. He was also only a couple of years older than them, having just finished school that past spring.


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