The End of 2012 Part 2 (Favorite Blogging Moments)

Hey Everyone!
So this is Part 2 of my End of 2012 Post!

Wow what a year, right?! It feels like so much happened!

The most Memorable Moments of this year for me were: (Top 5, I'll start with 5, and then my MOST memorable moment is #1!)

Screenshot I took while watching the Premiere of BD2 on Yahoo! :)
Robert Pattinson was staying in my TOWN over the summer!! Okay, so it wasn't for the best circumstances (during the Kristen Stewart scandal), but none the less he was staying less than like 2-4 miles away from my house!! How awesome is that?!  IF only I could have met him!! Sigh...haha :)

WOW, that was SO much fun to host!! I honestly didn't think much would come out of it, because I thought I wouldn't be able to get my voice heard!  With the thanks of Diana we were able to make it happen!  And it was super fun!  We'll be hosting again next year, so if you're a Meg Cabot fan, and a blogger, send me an email and I'll add you to the mailing list for next summer! :)



Passion and Prose on February 25th, 2012 ! I got to meet some of the coolest people ever!  Not only awesome authors like Beth Revis (Across the Universe), Andrea Cremer (Nightshade), Marissa Meyer (Cinder), and SO many others, but also so many great people, including one of my now blogging friends, Alysia over at Little Pocket Books!

Absolutely an amazing and memorable day!


Meeting Meg Cabot!! Hands down one of the best moments of my life!! She was everything I imagined and more! Can't wait to meet and talk to her again one day!

Overall, everything that was accomplished this year, both personal goals and blogging goals!  I made so many awesome friends, got to meet so many cool authors, went to some great events, got some amazing interviews, and accomplished so many things that I never would have thought possible a year ago!  Thank you to everyone so much who reads The Romance Bookie, and has been here for me! :)

Now to some questions from The Perpetual Page Turner (I just LOVE that name!) for her End of the Year Survey!
1. New Favorite Book blog you discovered in 2012?

I got to meet Montana over at The Book Belles in April, at the Gayle Forman, Stephanie Perkins, and Nina LaCour signing.  At the time I believe I became her FOURTH follower, and since then she has EXPLODED!! Pretty much literally!! She has over 1,000 Followers Now!! How awesome is that? Especially in such a short time! Super cute blog, I love her giveaways, reviews, and talking books with Montana!

2. Favorite Review that you wrote in 2012?
My favorite review...hmm...I don't know if I can choose just one! Honestly I have so much fun writing the majority of my reviews! The only time it gets difficult is when I REALLY want to write review where I'm not hurting the authors feelings if I didn't like it.  And when I don't like a book, I'm also not a huge fan of writing reviews for those.  But I do, because I like to write a review for every book I read.

3.  Best discussion you had on your blog?
That answer would have be my post entitled The Hunger Games should be Banned post (it's not what you think!).  Some really interesting comments on that one!

4. Most thought-provoking review or discussion you read on somebody else's blog?

Hmm...I can't think of any specifics, but recently I did read a review on Goodreads that completely irked me!  I was so upset after I read it that I had to comment.  It was on someone's 1 star review of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, which I wasn't complaining that this person gave it one star, that honestly doesn't bother me (so she didn't like it, so what! I'm sure I have book I didn't like that she did), but what bothered me was this comment where she said something along the lines of that Melinda should get over the fact she was raped.  I was like "WTF?  Would YOU be able to get over that?"
So yeah, I do comment on things like that, and I did notice that this specific one had A LOT of negative comments!

5. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.)?

SOO Many this year!! I went to Passion and Prose in February (where I met my absolute favorite author Meg Cabot!! and also Marissa Meyer (Cinder), Beth Revis (Across the Universe), Marie Lu (Legend), Andrea Cremer (Nightshade), and SOOOO many others!

Then in April I went to a Gayle Forman (If I Stay/Where She Went), Stephanie Perkins (Anna and the French Kiss/Lola and the Boy Next), and Nina La Cour (The Disenchantments) signing! That was super fun!

And then Virtual Event wise, Meg-A Readers was AWESOME! Super fun! We had not only the support from Meg, herself!!, but also a ton of awesome Meg Cabot fans who joined in!

6. Best moment of book blogging in 2012?

Hands down meeting Meg Cabot and all of the other amazing authors!  Meg-a readers was awesome!

And then getting contacted by all these great indie authors!

OH and getting my name in the acknowledgements in Lauren Clark's Dancing Naked In Dixie! That was an awesome moment!!

So many things to be thankful for!

7. Most popular post this year on your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?

For me it was both comments and views!

I got over 1500 views on the "Hunger Games Should Be Banned" and 37 comments!  It was a great discussion piece!

8. Post you wished Got a little more Love?
My first video post, my review for Breaking Dawn Part 2 movie, I sort of wish would have gotten a bit views, but you know that's all right!  :)

9. Best bookish discover (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
I love discovering new book blogs! Found really great ones this year that I go on regularly!

10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?

Yes and no! haha failed at the Harry Potter and ABC challenge!  However, I did accomplish my 60 book challenge and even extended it to a 100 book challenge which I also completed!! And I completed and went beyond my ebook challenge too! Which was AWESOME!! :)
The HP challenge I'm extending until the end of next year! :) And the ABC challenge I want to attempt from the beginning next year again! :)

AND now to Looking ahead!!

1. One book your didn't get to in 2012 but will be your Number 1 priority in 2013?
Hmmm...Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins!

2. Book you are most anticipating for 2013?
How about bookS! :)

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, Size 12 is the New Black and Awaken, both by Meg Cabot, Goldfish by Kody Keplinger, Simone Elkeles's new book, Sarah Dessen's new one, and Cassandra Clare's Clockwork Princess!! Gayle Forman's Just One Day! OH and Miranda Kenneally's new books too! :)

3. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging in 2013?
I'd love to get more readers, however since I can't control that I'd just like to continue having fun! And possibly read more of my own books, instead of mostly review books from author requests.  I mean, don't get me wrong I LOVE author requests, but sometimes I'd to read one of the books I bought at a book store after sitting in the store searching, and searching, reading back cover after back cover, and then FINALLY deciding on one! :)

And I just wanted to add this, because I believe it deserves a mention, but my the movie that made me laugh ridiculously hard this year, to the point where stomach hurt and my eyes had tears in them was...

So that's it!  Tomorrow is the New Year!! 2013!!!!

We've made it!! :)


The Romance Bookie :)



  1. Thank you so much for the shout out! 1. Love you blog and meeting you was great. Are you going ot BEA? (Just wondering) 2. I loved your post about The Hunger Games. It was nice to see so many people respond. 3. I still haven't seen Pitch Perfect. Have a productive and amazing 2013. Full of bookish happiness. :)


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