Bossypants by Tina Fey! (last book of 2012!)
But I give it 5 Bookies!! I finished my last book for the year!! And I also finished the year with a possibly busted computer!! Which means I'm stuck using my brother's Dell, until I can make it to a near by Mac Store ;(, I miss you Maccie!!! I can't believe I did it! I honestly thought I was going to have to count this one for next year already, but I did it!! So I know in quite a few places it is already 2013, for instance my mom and I just celebrated the New Year with a friend from Germany, who celebrated their New Years at 3 p.m. (West Coast time, US). Well, Anyway, it pretty much is the New Year here too...SO HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Anyway, I read Bossypants by Tina Fey, over these past couple of days. Now, normally I'm honestly not a fan of non-fiction novels, but I've been wanting to read this one for ages!! Okay, since 2011 when it was released... ;) From Goodreads : Before Liz Lemon, before "Weekend Update," before "...