Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. by Judy Blume review

Published in the 1970s Are you There God? It's Margaret written by Judy Blume, touched the hearts of thousands, if possibly not millions, of young girls hearts.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret

Written in the point of view of a soon-to-be twelve year old girl named Margaret Ann Simons, it deals with a young girls many questions.
She is waiting to become a woman.  She wants to start her period, grow a chest, and be "a normal girl".  It's a super short book, only about 150 pages, so it was a super easy read, and I do think this is a perfect read for young girl going through her early stages of adolescence.
However, like I said it was published in the 70s, and includes some pretty old school stuff.  For instance, at one point Margaret discusses trying on this belt that holds her pad...yeah, honestly I had no idea what that was??

For me personally, it was a bit tough sometimes just by young Margaret was.  But like I said, this book is meant for girls around the age of 11-14.  Also, I mean, I don't know about all you, but I had sort of a hard time relating to Margaret, because first of all I NEVER wanted to start my period!  I thought it was disgusting! In fact, I screamed my head off the first time I got it.  I was hysterical! Then also, I NEVER wanted boobs! I never understand girls who do??!! WHY??!! They are annoying!!!!

Overall rating:

But yes, overall I recommend this book to young girls around the ages of 11 and 14! :)

The Romance Bookie :)


  1. Great book about growing up ... no way I want to repeat those years, but Judy Blume did a lovely job telling Margaret's story!

    :) Lauren

    1. Yes, it definitely would be a great book for a young girl growing up!

      I felt a bit old reading it, just by the 12 year old point of view, but I can definitely see why it became so famous! :)

      Thanks Lauren for commenting!! :)


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