Meg-A Readers Recap #7 Plus Review for Sanctuary

 For this week's recap we had some great posts!! Including among them a new Blog post by the guest of honor, herself, Meg Cabot!! So wait for those links at the bottom of this post!
But before I get to those here's this week's book, a review of Sanctuary  (#4 in 1-800-Where-R-You Series):

Sanctuary (1-800-Where-R-You, #4)
Original Cover
 Okay let me begin by just saying that I was totally planning on taking a break in between books from Meg Cabot, but after reading Sanctuary, the fourth novel in Meg's 1-800-Where-R-You Series, I found myself, instead of picking up a different book, the fifth and final novel, Missing You.  The ending killed me!!!

It wasn't that it was bad, but just that last sentence totally got me!! I NEEDED to know what happens!!

Anyway, in Sanctuary Jess is back, of course...and before I give away WAY too much, I'll give you the Goodreads description:
Jess Mastriani knew she wasn't going to be able to hide her psychic powers from the U.S. government forever. But she never thought that she and Dr. Krantz, the special agent brought in to convince Jess to join his elite team of "specially gifted" crime solvers, would have something in common.
Vanished: Safe House & Sanctuary
Version I read, which contain Safe House & Sanctuary
When a local boy's disappearance is attributed to a backwoods militia group, it turns out that Jess and Dr. Krantz have the same goal. Suddenly Jess finds herself collaborating with one enemy in order to stop a far worse one. In an atmosphere of hate and fear, Jess and Dr. Krantz must work together to unite a community and save a life...without loosing their own.

What the description fails to mention is that Jess not only collaborates with Dr. Krantz, but also with one of the hottest bad boys in YA literature, Rob Wilkins!  Gosh, that boy...or I should say man, is HOT!!!!  He definitely doesn't look anything like the guy who plays Jess's boyfriend in the TV series Missing, which btw is based of this series...loosely!! 

I absolutely am enjoying this series! I feel like I've been almost reading quite a few mysteries lately, which right now, it fits perfectly, because Meg-A Readers Blog Hop! is in it's second half, and is currently having everyone reading Mysteries! Remember?? The first half was Mythology themed (in honor of the release of Underworld), and now the second half is Mystery themed (in honor of the release of Size 12 and Ready to Rock next month!).

So if you get a chance, I highly recommend reading this series! But of course, with any series, you should always start at the beginning, so if you haven't already pick up a copy of When Lightning Strikes, the first novel in the 1-800-Where-R-You series! :)

Happy Reading!

So now to the recap of this week's post!

We had some fun ones this week!
There was a review of Underworld from Ashna over at Journal of a Bookworm, then some super fun facts about Meg from Lariss, over at Cabot's Stuff that you may not have know; and then Diana, my super awesome co-host, talked about "The Meg Effect" over at her wonderful blog Little Miss Drama Queen! And then Alex over at A Girl, Books, and Other Things has been doing a fabulous thing for Meg-A Readers where she review's a book by Meg every Sunday during the duration of Meg-A Readers!
 And then of course Meg's post too! And then I posted a couple of reviews this week, that I'll add below! :)

So here are the exact links:
So that's it for this week!!

Oh and don't forget to enter the giveaway which ends next week!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Romance Bookie :) 


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